ACDC 作曲:Makoto Miyoshi 作詞:Mami Miyoshi がんじがらめの危機 逃れられない いらだち bring back the key, remove barricades, the time have changed やばい つけてくる足音 やらされてるって意識 つるされてる快感 ほどよく力抜いて 体まかせてみて bring back the key, remove barricades, the time have changed 持っていき方次第 どうあがいても う
Maybe I'll Go By Lene Marlin You think youve made it everythings going so fine But then appears someone who wanna Tear you down Wanna rip you off those few nice things youve found When and if you hit the ground. Then its falling kinda hard Cause all