sToa Captivity歌词

Caged in old woods,whose reverend echoes wake
When the hern screams along the distant lake,
Her little heart oft flutters to be free,
Oft sighs to turn the unrelenting key.

In vain the nurse that rusted relic wears,
Nor moved by gold - nor to be moved by tears;
And terraced walls their black reflection throw
On the green-mantled moat that sleeps below.

  • 专辑:Urthona
  • 歌手:sToa
  • 歌曲:Captivity


sToa Taumel歌词

12/11 21:04
Time runs out. I left behind My breath came up to here. Till now I hesitated. Tired eyes - I scan the old horizon. My path cant end this way. But dyes rapidly fading. Find to calm, My heart without. But Im to weak to try. That lie was my undoing. Bre

sToa Partus歌词

12/18 18:58
Stoa - Partus Sic aetatis ver humanae 在人们春日的清晨 Iuventus primo mane 絮风轻扬拂晓 Reflorescit paululum 生命逐渐绽放 Mane tatem hoc excludit 白日缓缓褪尽 Vitae vesper, dum concludit 直至生命的黄昏 Vitale crepusculum 消失在暮光里 专辑:Porta VIII 歌手:sToa 歌曲:Partus

sToa Autumn歌词

12/05 23:05
Unbolt the wind to me! Brag I with audacious pride 为我召唤阵风!以恣意我妄为的自负 But that first gust of him,Makes me stumble and shrink 然而这尤来的凉风,却令我彷徨不前 My barque is covered up With leaves and windfall-pears 我的心舟已掩盖于飘叶与吹落的浆果之中 His heaven azures me,And his earth i

sToa Dust歌词

12/12 20:52
I vex my heart with fancies dim: He still outstript me in the race; It was but unity of place That made me dream I ranked with him. And so May place retain us still, And he the much-beloved again, A lord of large experience, train To riper growth the

sToa Hommage歌词

01/30 05:39
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11/30 06:50
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sToa Conclusio歌词

01/31 19:58
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sToa Scrupus歌词

12/11 02:44
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12/16 09:54
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