ASAP Rocky Multiply歌词

翻译 by Aaron
这首歌是A$AP Rocky对两个他穿红的品牌Been Trill和HBA十分不满,因此歌词里处处针对这两个品牌
之前有看到朋友们说怎么那么多歌手在名字前加A$AP,这里要给大家科普一下,A$AP是Rocky所在的团体A$AP Mob,团员基本上每个人都会在绰号前加A$AP,除了个别团员比如说Da$h。他们的老大是A$AP Yams,他不饶舌,只负责运营A$AP。


EN: [Intro: A$AP Rocky]
CH: [开场白: A$AP Rocky]

EN: Fuck niggas gon' multiply
CH: 傻逼们现在越来越多了

EN: 'Fore the real niggas die, fake niggas gon' multiply
CH: 纯爷们死前,总有死不完的傻逼

EN: 'Fore the real niggas live, fuck niggas won't multiply
CH: 纯爷们生前,不会有太多傻逼

EN: Fuck niggas won't multiply
CH: 傻逼不会增加

EN: Fuck niggas won't multiply
CH: 傻逼不会增加

EN: Igh, igh-igh-igh, igh-igh, igh-igh, igh
CH: 加-啊-啊-啊,啊-啊,啊-啊,啊
(这个地方是直接用了Three 6 Mafia的歌Stay Fly的副歌,而这首歌里Juicy J则是Three 6 Mafia的成员,算是致敬并非抄袭)

EN: [Interlude 1: Juicy J]
CH: [旁白 1: Juicy J]

EN: Yeah, it's your boy Juicy J
CH: 对,这是你们的哥们Juicy J

EN: Man you gotta watch out for these backstabbin' broke ass, jealous hatin' ass niggas man
CH: 朋友,你要小心这些背后捅刀子又充满忌妒和怨恨的穷逼

EN: Man these niggas ain't no real niggas man, know what I'm sayin'?
CH: 朋友,这些傻逼才不是纯爷们,懂我意思吗?

EN: Man these niggas be smilin' in your face
CH: 朋友,这些傻逼在你面前总是笑脸相迎的

EN: [Verse 1: A$AP Rocky]
CH: [第一段:A$AP Rocky]

EN: Back in the buildin', sold crack in the livin' room
CH: 回到了在那幢楼的卧室里贩毒的日子

EN: Niggas toe-tagged, sold gats for a livin'
CH: 有的哥们死了,他们曾靠卖枪来求生

EN: Doo rag keep a red or blue flag in the denim
CH: 绑上Doo rag头巾,在牛仔裤里塞红色或蓝色的方巾 (注:Doo Rag是一种old school丝质头巾款式,详见50 cent专辑Get Rich or Die Trin'的封面那款。red or blue flag此处指两个帮派Bloods和Crips,Bloods把红色方巾放右边,Crips放左边)

EN: One your be with be the one to shoot at ya in a minute
CH: 和你一起的那家伙分分钟枪杀你

EN: Come to Harlem if you never seen Baghdad
CH: 如果你不知道巴格达什么样,就来哈林区看看 (巴格达是伊拉克首都,常年战乱,这里意为哈林区很乱)

EN: First place I seen a nigga sell crack at
CH: 那是我第一次看人家贩毒的地方

EN: Where the hustlers don't sleep, take cat naps
CH: 那里的hustler(用各种手段赚钱的人)只打盹儿不睡觉

EN: Shorty with the shotty limpin' like he got a bad back
CH: 在裤腰后藏了散弹枪的哥们,跛着脚走起来好像他的驼背了似的(黑人会故意痞痞的跛脚走路)

EN: Even in my will, keep it real, thuggin' in my field
CH: 在我意志里,我可是真实不虚伪的,在我的地盘就是个硬汉

EN: 'Til the day I peel, keep it trill, anything I feel
CH: 任何我能感觉到的事我都要让它保持真实,直到我入土的那天为止(此处Trill意思不是颤音,而是true+real的合体词,是有饶舌团体UGK在歌里第一次拼写的,UGK就是underground kings,成员有PIMP C和BUN B,所以Rocky在后面歌词也多次提到并致敬了PIMP C,值得一提的是PIMP C已经过世)

EN: Youngins trained to kill, aimin', bangin' steel and slangin' krill
CH: 小孩子都被教成了杀手,他们瞄准,开枪然后去贩毒

EN: She shake it all for Satan just to paint her nails and pay her bills
CH: 女人把肉体出卖给了撒旦,为了有钱打扮和支付她的开支

EN: I ain't really fuckin' with that Been Trill
CH: 我没真和Been Trill干上 (Been Trill是一个潮流品牌,这首歌Rocky就是和Been Trill和HBA两个牌子掰了,两个品牌都是Rocky穿红的,这里说真的没和Been Trill干上意思也是指Rocky根本看不上这个牌子)

EN: Swear them niggas booty like Tip Drill
CH: 那些白痴真的穿起来像Tip Drill歌里的大屁股一样丑(Tip Drill是Nelly的一首歌,更出名的是这首歌另一个名字E.I.)

EN: Nah I ain't really into throwin' shots
CH: 我真没朝他们开炮

EN: But these mothafuckas better give me my props, word to Pac
CH: 我只是想用2pac说的,“这些傻逼最好给我放尊重点”

EN: We're the reason that these niggas gettin' throwed
CH: 我们就是这些傻逼被人抛弃的原因(gettin throwed我不知道应该怎么理解,就按字面翻了,不知道Rocky是否有更深的意思或者典故,顺便一提,throwed是不规范用法,正规的过去式应该是threw,这里应该用过去分词thrown,所以考试千万不要学Rocky这么写哦)

EN: Reason why you niggas wearin' gold
CH: 人们都会学我们穿金

EN: Jail pose in the pictures, prayin' fingers to your nose
CH: 还有那经典的监狱照造型(具体可以搜搜jail pose在Google图片上,可惜被屏蔽了),以及对着你鼻子祈祷的手型(我理解应该是ASAP Mob的经典打招呼手势)

EN: I remember, if Pimp was alive he'd tell these hoes and these niggas
CH: 我知道如果PIMP C还活着的话,他会教育这些傻逼们的

EN: [Hook: A$AP Rocky]
CH: [副歌:A$AP Rocky]

EN: Even in my will, keep it trill, to the day I peel
CH: 在我的意志深处也是保持真我,一直到我入土腐烂

EN: Even in my will, keep it trill, to the day I peel
CH: 在我的意志深处也是保持真我,一直到我入土腐烂

EN: Even in my will, keep it trill, to the day I peel
CH: 在我的意志深处也是保持真我,一直到我入土腐烂

EN: Even in my will, keep it trill, to the day I...
CH: 在我的意志深处也是保持真我,一直到我入土腐烂...

EN: When the real niggas die, fake niggas gon' multiply
CH: 当纯爷们死了,傻逼们会多起来

EN: When the real niggas die, fake niggas gon' multiply
CH: 当纯爷们死了,傻逼们会多起来

EN: When all the real niggas die, fake niggas gon' multiply
CH: 当纯爷们全死了,傻逼们会多起来

EN: But if the real niggas live, fuck niggas won't multiply
CH: 如果纯爷们活着,傻逼们就不可能会多

EN: [Interlude 2: A$AP Rocky]
CH: [旁边 2:A$AP Rocky]

EN: I'm the original Balmain badass, nigga
CH: 我是痞子穿巴尔曼(品牌名)的创始者,朋友

EN: I'm the original Margiela madman, in the words of A$AP Yams
CH: 像A$AP Yams说的一样,我是狂人们穿马吉拉(品牌名)的创始者

EN: Smack the shit out a nigga in these skinny pants, feel me?
CH: 我穿着紧身牛仔裤也能把这些傻逼打出屎来,听到了么?

EN: Don't get it fucked up, nigga, we been jiggy, been pretty
CH: 别骑到我头上,傻逼,我们可是很有型很帅气的

EN: Still tell a bitch suck my dick, swag swag nigga
CH: 我还是会告诉婊子“舔我小弟弟,好帅好帅”,傻逼!(Rocky曾经说过"If u dont like it suck my dick, swag swag"(如果你不喜欢就舔我小弟弟吧,好帅好帅))

EN: [Verse 2: A$AP Rocky]
CH: [第二段: A$AP Rocky]

EN: Fuck with a nigga like me, RIP my nigga Pimp C
CH: 居然和我这样的人物干上了,对我的哥们PIMP C说句“安息”

EN: HBA shit is weak, you can keep that
CH: HBA出的货都太差了,你们就自己留着吧(HBA是一个Rocky穿红的潮流品牌,此歌主要是针对HBA和BEEN THRILL两个品牌)

EN: Shit, I might fuck around and bring the Jeep back
CH: 妈的,老子无聊的时候可以把吉普车也带回到潮流中来(此处Rocky特指自己是潮流风向标,他用什么人家就会学)

EN: No doors on it, flexin' with the seat back
CH: 就算这车没有门,只有椅背

EN: B-Boy with the G pack, might fuck around and bring the mink back
CH: B-BOY和毒品,无聊时候可能把貂皮也带回潮流中来(B-BOY就是跳breaking的男孩子,G pack是50份半克的海洛因通常价值1000美金)

EN: Word to Big Boi and 3 Stacks, nigga
CH: 这是向Big Boi和Andre 3000致敬(指穿貂皮的事。尤其是Big Boi更是在专辑《Speakerboxxx》封面穿貂皮大衣。stack=1000,所以这里的3 stacks是3000.联系整句应该是指和Big Boi一起组成Outkast的Andre3000)

EN: If you deaf bring the beat back, nigga
CH: 如果你没听见,就好好听这歌,傻逼

EN: Fuck with a nigga like me, RIP my nigga Pimp C
CH: 居然和我这样的人物干上了,对我的哥们PIMP C说句“安息”

EN: HBA shit is weak, you can keep that
CH: HBA出的货都太差了,你们就自己留着吧

EN: I'm a trend setter, you ain't even peep that
CH: 我是潮流风向标,你们连放屁都不响

EN: Where the hoes, where the weed, where the cheese at?
CH: 妞,叶子(大麻),和钱在哪儿?(这里cheese在俚语中为“钱”的意思)

EN: Fuck the FCC, tell 'em bleep that
CH: 去他妈的FCC,让他们来给这句消音啊 (FCC,全称Federal Communications Commision,美国通讯委员会,那些饶舌歌词脏话被消音就是FCC干的,所以Rocky这里顺带骂了一句,他之前就很讨厌这些消音)

EN: (We ain't no fashion killas nigga, we fashionable killas Ya'll got Flacko)
CH: (我们才不是什么潮流杀手呢,我们可是穿着潮流的杀手,你们都明白Flacko的话了吧)(Flacko是Rocky给自己的另一个名字Lord Flacko)

EN: [Verse 3: A$AP Rocky]
CH: [第三段:A$AP Rocky]

EN: 3, 6, suck a nigga dick no foreplay
CH: 36黑手帮,让你舔我的屌,不要前戏(这里典故主要是指Hip-Hop团体Three 6 Mafia的歌“Suck a Nigga's Dick”,3和6就是指three 6 Mafia所以没有太多意思)

EN: All day, boomin' out the trap through the hallway
CH: 整天都有人在走廊来来回回找我买药(trap这里应该是指卖毒品的地方)

EN: Slow up, Pretty Flacko Jodye
CH: 慢慢来,像帅Flacko的那首Jodye(Rocky的歌Jodye,这首歌本来就比较慢所以做了这个比喻)

EN: Tell these fuck niggas how you been
CH: 告诉那些傻逼你现在怎样了

EN: You can freshen our minds, niggas talk down every now and then
CH: 一直在公开议论我是非的人,你们能让我精神满满(指自己名气很大)

EN: On the style, gettin' styled 9 times out of 10
CH: 他们(那些议论他的人)都有自己的范,10个里面9个都有(这里应该是指Been Trill和HBA总是背后搞小动作,那些正大光明说Rocky的人Rocky觉得很有型)

EN: (Y'all got Flacko fucked up)
CH: (你们可让Flacko感觉糟糕透了)

EN: I'm the motherfuckin' Lord of this fashion shit
CH: 我他妈可是潮流教主

EN: Don't I deserve just to brag a bit?
CH: 我难道还不能稍微吹吹牛逼?

EN: Set the blueprint, fuck your two cents
CH: 我规划了自己的蓝图,才懒得鸟你们那几毛钱

EN: Number 1 stunner, ask Tumblr if I'm accurate
CH: 我可是第一帅的,看看Tumblr(国外的一种微博)就知道对不对了

EN: My motherfuckin' swag is immaculate
CH: 我的范儿可他妈是最完美的了

EN: Plus I got enough style just to mack your bitch
CH: 而且我有样到足以搞上你的妞

EN: I think back to when pockets packin' lint
CH: 我想起当年我口袋空空如也的时候

EN: It's like a nigga got rich on accident
CH: 现在就像一个黑人突然意外暴富

EN: Now back to Pimp
CH: 现在饶舌回到了Pimp C的水准(意思是自己有饶舌团体UGK一样的水准,PIMP C是UGK一员,另一位是Bun B)

EN: Bitches lie, killers never lie
CH: 软蛋才骗人,硬汉绝不骗人

EN: Triggers on the side by side, bet I'm down to ride
CH: 两只手都拿好枪了,准备去drive-by了(drive-by,黑人电影里经常能看到的,乘着车拿着枪,开到一个地方随机扫射,然后再乘车离开)

EN: Prosper said let's ride to the sky, call it catastrophic
CH: A$AP说了“一起飞到天上,把天空都炸裂”(A$AP的A,S,A和P代表了Always Strive And Prosper 意为永远努力和繁荣,所以这里的Prosper指代了A$AP这个团体)

EN: We don't ever die, we just multiply, bitch
CH: 我们不会死的,我们的精神只会传承下去(像我们一样的人只会越来越多,呼应歌名),傻逼

EN: [Outro: Juicy J]
CH: [结束语:Juicy J]

EN: Fake ass niggas, you know what I'm sayin', these niggas be out here talkin' 'bout they a street nigga and shit, man niggas be gettin' it distorted like a mothafucka out here man, you know what I'm sayin'
CH: 那些虚伪的傻逼,你们懂我意思吗,这些傻逼老到处说他们是来自街头的,这些傻逼真到了街头只有被敲诈的份儿,你懂吗?(这里是暗指JIM JONES,因为JIM JONES在XXL的采访中曾嘲笑过A$AP Mob穿紧身裤和奇怪的球鞋)

  • 专辑:Multiply
  • 歌手:ASAP Rocky
  • 歌曲:Multiply


ASAP Rocky Goldie歌词

07/29 21:16
[Hook] Uh, uh, I said it must be, cause a nigga got dough Extraordinary swag and a mouth full of gold Hoes at my shows they be strippin' off they clothes And them college girls write a nigga name on they toes Niggas talk shit 'til they get lockjaw Ch

ASAP Rocky Peso歌词

07/29 09:44
[Verse 1:] I be that pretty mothafucka, Harlem's what I'm repping Tell my nigga sweet the bitching and we gon' make it in a second Never disrespected plus I'm well connected With this coke that I imported, just important as your president Swagger so

ASAP Rocky Angels歌词

08/05 16:05
[Hook] Ten gold chains, wood grain propane Sell the whole thang from the cellphone rang [Bridge 1] I'm the dope mane bitches sniffin' cocaine All my young niggas know that they could all weigh, all weigh (Call me, call me, call me) All weigh, all wei

ASAP Rocky Trilla歌词

07/30 20:45
[Intro] [Verse 1: ASAP Rocky] Pass the, pass the mothafuckin' Swisher, pour some mothafuckin' liquor For my mothafuckin' niggas who ain't wit us, keep it trilla My gold teeth, my french braids, gettin' throwed since 10th grade Wealth is in the mind,

ASAP Rocky Leaf歌词

07/30 23:31
[Ol' Dirty Bastard Intro] I'm so happy, you know um You know I looked at the crowd and you know I I look at my fans, I look at their faces, they expressions And I know that damn well We are some partying mother fuckers [ASAP Rocky Verse 1] Tired of t

ASAP Rocky Suddenly歌词

08/28 07:29
[Verse 1] I swear this famous shit just happened overnight For sure these hoes was so uptight, but now they so polite All I see is fake love, smiles and overbites But I'm pimping nigga, Dolemite I remember when, I was like ten, maybe nine Ricky had a

ASAP Rocky Palace歌词

08/05 07:28
[Hook] Goddamn, how real is this? I know them Harlem niggas gon' be feeling this East Coast nigga, but how trill is this? Still don't give a shit, my ignorance is still a bliss [Verse] Stone cold love, rose gold slugs I could afford it, I imported st

ASAP Rocky Pain歌词

07/30 23:31
[Intro] Uh, pain Uh, pain [Bridge: Kent] So big you are, shining like the star With your head in the clouds, somebody shoot you down Hands on the ground, back against the wall Tell me who you'd call when no one else around [Hook] Lights, camera, acti

ASAP Rocky LVL歌词

07/30 23:26
[Intro] Clams Casino, nigga A$AP [Verse 1] Mr. Pistol Popper, Flacko locked and loaded Life's a bitch and she pussy pop (Know why?) cause I got her open That pussy soakin', fuck is you promoting Yeah, you claim you rage, you hatin' like you live in O