Lost Horizon Highlander (The One)歌词

He's the one, pure in his heart
Shining fair in the bliss never lost
Noble grace, innocent faith
Running throughout the fields immense
Shouting free in the air again
Dancing there with the wind

Sudden gust hit my face, burning rain tore the clouds
From depth of the gloaming thunder came

On a mountain I saw it
When lightning reached out for him
Enchanting my eyes... in magical rhapsody
On a mountain I watched him
As power filled up his veins
Surrounded by dusk
As the rain from the heavens falling, falling...

And lone he might be on the ways of this world

On a mountain I watched him
When proudly he swung his steel
Entracing my heart... in mystical harmony
On a mountain I saw it
When knowledge aroused his sense
Encircled by clouds
In the gales now enlightened reborn

Wish I could fly through the land beloved
Not in my dream, nor by spell then bound
Paradise's here in the fields immense
Here is my life, not above!
How could I leave this place...

Wish I could fly through the land beloved
Not in my dream, nor by spell then bound
Paradise's here in the fields immense
If I return to this world here I will live again

Strenghtened by fury, I feel no fear
Fire inside, it keeps me awake
For no blind I ever shall bend!
This is my law! This is my way!


Insight's my power, truth is my breath
Free in my thoughts I always remain!
Choose to take a different path
Strong in the storms, pure through the waste

Stand up, Oh brothers over the world!
Enemies are there and mostly the same
We are a kind that never gives in!
We are a flame born in the wind!


Time's of no matter, it never was!
World is the same, just different form
Freedom is something one doesn't earn
Always your own! Graced by the will!

He's the one, pure in his heart
Shining fair in the bliss never lost
Noble grace, innocent faith
Running throughout the fields immense
Shouting free in the air embraced
Dancing there with the wind

  • 专辑:A Flame to the Ground Beneath
  • 歌手:Lost Horizon
  • 歌曲:Highlander (The One)


Vertical Horizon Everything You Want歌词

10/06 11:11
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Sound Horizon 緋色の花歌词

10/08 16:09
六番目の記憶.../第六的記憶 昏い森に橫たわる/倒臥於昏暗的森林 赦さない 赦さない/不可饒恕-不可饒恕- 手負いの兵を囚えた/擄獲了負傷的士兵 赦さない 赦さない/不可饒恕-不可饒恕- 少女はやみを見つめて/少女凝視著黑暗 赦さない 赦さない/不可饒恕-不可饒恕- 『紅玉』(ルビ-)の微笑を浮か/漾出宛如紅寶石的笑容- 赦さない 赦さない/不可饒恕-不可饒恕- < Lost > Vol.08 緋色の花 [緋色之花] 緋い空を見上げてた/仰望緋紅的天空 風に流される茜云/隨風流動的晚霞 沈ま

Sound Horizon 星女神の巫女 -Αρτεμισια-歌词

09/28 00:47
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10/17 17:20
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Sound Horizon 火刑の魔女歌词

10/07 12:42
幽かな記憶の 糸を手繰るように 仄昏い森へ 足を踏み入れた 幼い記憶の 途を辿るように 入り組んだ森の 奥へと進んだ 物心ついた時には.既に父の消息は不明で. 私と母は何時も二人.とても貧しい暮らしだった. 井戸に毒を入れた等と.謂われなき罪で虐げられる事も多く. 私にとって友達と言えるのは.森の動物達だけだった--. それでも 嗚呼 ねぇ 母さん 私は幸せだったよ その理由を ねぇ 知ってた? 貴女が一緒だったから それなのに 何故 母は 私を捨てたのか? どうしても それが 知りたくて--

Sound Horizon 宵闇の唄歌词

09/27 17:02
私は『誰』なのか? 記述が抜け落ちた 真っ白な其の頁を 宵闇が染めてゆく 気付けば井戸の底 空を見上げていた 抱いていた可愛い少女 口を開いた 「復讐シヨウ」と 彼女が囁く その声色は 何処か懐かしく 何の為かなんて 誰の為かなんて 憶い出せぬ儘 衝動に従った 苦痛に歪む顔 悲痛に喚く声 戦慄と後悔の中で 嗚呼 復讐は罪が故に 粛々と受け入れ給え 嘆いた処でもう手遅れさ 遂に モリから イドヘ至る 喜劇の幕は上がった 七人の女優達よ! 死せる今 幾ら憾めど 刻は既に遅く お嬢さん 君は独り 夜の

Sound Horizon 檻の中の花歌词

10/22 09:07
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09/30 18:30
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