
伊藤かな恵 メタメリズム歌词

01/31 10:32
笑(わら)っている 今(いま)が愛(いと)おしくて[此刻相视欢笑 令我如此珍惜] ひとりじゃないと思(おも)った[让我知道原来我并不孤单] メタメリズム[同色异谱] TVアニメ「侵略!イカ娘」エンディングテーマ[TV动画「侵略!乌贼娘」ED] 作詞:アツミサオリ/作曲:アツミサオリ/編曲:marble 歌:伊藤かな恵 歌曲/中文翻译収録:动感新时代vol.95「聖誕」 始(はじ)まりはすべて偶然(ぐうぜん)で[一切其实都始于一次偶然] それは奇跡(きせき)のめぐり逢(あ)い[都是仿佛奇迹一般的邂

牧野由依 ふわふわ♪歌词

12/13 17:02
「ふわふわ♪」 作詞∶高野健一 作曲∶高野健一 歌∶牧野由依 歌曲/中文翻译収録:动感新势力vol.86「夏端」 背(せ)は高(たか)い方(ほう)がいいけど(其实我更喜欢个子高点的) そんなタイプじゃなかったの(可他却不是那种类型的) 気難(きむずか)しい感(かん)じ-どっちかって(看起来感觉脾气怪怪的) ゆうと苦手(にがて)だったかな(这种男生我本来不太感冒的) 話(はな)すと全然(ぜんぜん) 違(ちが)ってて(可他聊起来的感觉却完全不同) 笑(わら)うと目(め)が子供(こども)みたいで(他笑

花澤香菜 優しい夕暮れ歌词

12/10 03:18
優しい夕暮れ[温柔的暮色] Xbox 360ゲーム「Steins;Gate」イメージソング[Xbox 360遊戲「Steins;Gate」IM] 作詞:葉月みこ 作曲:大島こうすけ 編曲:大島こうすけ 歌:椎名まゆり(花澤香菜) 歌曲/中文翻译収録:动感新时代vol.96「子日」 いちばん好(す)きな季節(きせつ)を わたしに教(おし)えて下(くだ)さい[请告诉我 你最喜欢的季节是什么] ゆっくり流(なが)れる時間(じかん) 心地(ここち)よくて -あたたかくなる[时光缓缓流淌 如此悠闲而又温暖

麻枝准 Brave Song歌词

12/20 08:59
いつもひとりで歩(ある)いてた[我总是一个人独自走着] 振(ふ)り返(かえ)るとみんなは遠(とお)く[回头望去 我已经离大家好远] それでもあたしは歩(ある)いた[我还是一个人走了下去] それが強(つよ)さだった[因为那样 才显得坚强] もう何(なに)も恐(こわ)くない[已经没有什么需要害怕的] そう呟(つぶや)いてみせる[我总是低声提醒着自己] いつか人(ひと)は一人(ひとり)になって[总有一天 我们将独自走上旅途] 思(おも)い出(で)の中(なか)に生(い)きてくだけ[只能在回忆的簇拥中继续

Zone secret base~君がくれたもの~ (10 years after Ver.) 歌词

12/11 13:53
secret base -君がくれたもの- (10 years after Ver.)(secret base -你给我的所有- (10 years after Ver.)) 演唱:本间芽衣子.安城鸣子.鹤见知利子(CV.茅野爱衣.戸松遥.早见沙织) TV动画「花名未闻」ED 歌曲/中文翻译收录:动感新时代vol.100「稻雨」 君(きみ)と夏(なつ)の终(お)わり 将来(しょうらい)の梦(ゆめ)[这个有你的夏天 将来的梦想] 大(おお)きな希望(きぼう) 忘(わす)れない[一同许下的希望 我永

几米 翻译的女人歌词

12/02 06:01
她正在專心翻譯 兩種語言她都相當熟悉沒有恐懼 可是兩種語言彼此並沒有關係 她盡量讓它們彼此貼近彼此對應 她以為所有事情所有人都需要翻譯 當然這只是一個比喻她說 她多麼喜歡翻譯 一個字裡面藏著另外一個字需要翻譯 一個意思包含著另外的一個意思需要翻譯 一篇小說裡暗示的另一篇小說需要翻譯 一個特技演員的肩膀站著 另一個特技演員不需要翻譯 她多麼喜歡翻譯 她以為許多事情許多人都需要翻譯 當然這只不過是一個比喻她說 她盡量讓它們彼此貼近彼此對應 當然有許多事情許多人不需要翻譯 當然這也只是一個比喻她說 她

Deeds of Flesh Drink the Blood歌词

01/31 03:23
Instrumental 专辑:Mark of the Legion 歌手:Deeds of Flesh 歌曲:Drink the Blood

Deeds of Flesh Eradication Pods歌词

12/12 16:18
Virvum of the human is the strongest of all beings They will be hunted for this mighty source Not having knowledge pf the ancient power They are the youngest of all created beings Although the youngest they are the strongest Unknown alien life forms

Deeds of Flesh Waters of Space歌词

12/14 09:09
(In the wake of what's to come, more than one oracle in history point to a single date. We are the last generation to exist before the war. An ancient culture has predicted the date without any form of denial or doubt.) Before the arrival of unmanife

Deeds of Flesh Crown of Souls歌词

12/21 15:58
Impulses encase my thoughts Loss of reasoning ignored Mutilating, my fetish needs fulfilled Sickening horrific visions explored Persistence to see blood spilled Pools of my horrendous deeds Disfiguring my perfect specimen Creating my crown of souls T

Deeds of Flesh Path of the Weakening歌词

12/10 06:41
Struggling up the hill Stuck and trapped Searching for a new life Crossing unknown land During winter Unable to move Until the spring We'll die by then The snow must melt Trepidation starts When the food runs out The forlorn hope was formed Elderly p

Deeds of Flesh Lustmord歌词

12/10 06:42
This feeling won't leave me I need to relieve thee By maiming and hilling this bitxch In total secrecy From some dark place In my soul comes a new realm of depravity Like a beast I overcome her and utterly destroy her For i must surrender To my feeli

Deeds of Flesh Indigenous to the Appalling (Mutinous Human)歌词

12/10 06:42
Dweller of the night Mutinous human Body deficient of normality An outcast People hostile to his form Others fear In his enemy Indigenous to the appalling Dweller of the night Force to live as an animal Away from common man Intensified eith time Prim

Deeds of Flesh Dawn of the Next歌词

12/28 08:08
Dawn of the next challenges lie ahead of us They assumed the overtaking of our planet would be routine Mankind's will possibly linked to being the youngest souls Of the universe shows perseverance to overcome Showing no fear Against the invading foe

Deeds of Flesh Crimson Offering歌词

12/06 09:32
Through a process of absorption and conquest Rituals of blood to appease the divine Offerings of life To feed the gods' hunger Captured in battle or from tribute The war god is especially thirsty To invoke the spirits of the sun and war Prevention of

Deeds of Flesh Unearthly Invent歌词

12/21 10:54
Seeing the growth of the youngest race And potency of its virvum Strategic pod placement was induced At precise times To control reproduction From as early as recorded scriptures Pods were placed and watched Controlling future consequence Of rulers a

Deeds of Flesh Three Minute Crawlspace歌词

12/15 23:26
Trapped inside A dead nightmare Buried deep Suffocation Frantically, scratching for light The oxygen is getting thin Just a matter of time Before the air runs out You're doomed Try to fight, it's what I like Suffocation It's what I like Buried by A s

Revel in Flesh Culpa et Inferna歌词

12/21 17:19
Hell eternally sworn Blood red throne Hell eternally sworn Seas of blood Pogrom in fire - flames rise higher Ashes to ashes... and dust to dust!!! Nostri culpa - Nostri inferna Through the gates Rotten death Beyond the grave Rotten death In disgrace

Deeds of Flesh Feelings Of Metal Through Flesh歌词

12/15 23:26
Spears of glass Straight through the hands Slice by slice The feelings of Metal through flesh is ecstasy Every blade becomes, of the mind's desires Every blade becomes, of the mind's desires The dream becomes very real The only way To stop the hunger

RIKKI 素敵だね~featured in FINAL FANTASY 10歌词

12/02 06:25
風が寄せた言葉に 泳いだ心 雲が運ぶ明日に 弾んだ声 月が揺れる鏡に 震えた心 星が流れ零れた 柔らかい涙 素敵だね 二人手をとり歩けたなら 行きたいよ 君の街家 腕の中 その胸 からだ預け 宵にまぎれ 夢見る 風は止まり言葉は 優しい幻 雲は破れ明日は 遠くの声 月がにじむ鏡を 流れた心 星が揺れて零れた 隠せない涙 素敵だね 二人手をとり歩けたなら 行きたいよ君の街家 腕の中 その顔 そっと触れて 朝に溶ける 夢見る 中文翻译: 寄语风中,游荡的心中 带来云彩的明天急促的声音 在月光晃动的镜