
紫冥乐队 The evil that men do(Iron Maiden cover)歌词

10/21 02:11
Love is a razor and I walked the line on that silver blade, Slept in the dust with his daughter,her eyes red with the slaughter of innocence, And I will pray for her,I will call her name out loud, I would bleed for her,if I could only see her now. Li

紫冥乐队 怜未泯歌词

10/04 12:01
花开花落,云卷云舒, 向贫瘠的我们索要人性. 天火未泯,俯首为寇, 向复苏的愚钝唤醒生灵. 北风啸,铁马兵戈刺破长空, 伊人若水消逝年华, 犹得独我仰天长啸, 惘心楚,谁丛中笑. 朝花夕拾,一笑成殇: 灯火阑珊,我身项背. 花开花落,云卷云舒, 向贫瘠的我们索要人性. 天火未泯,俯首为寇, 向复苏的愚钝唤醒生灵. 北风啸,铁马兵戈刺破长空, 伊人若水消逝年华, 犹得独我仰天长啸. 惘心楚,谁丛中笑. 朝花夕拾,一笑成殇: 灯火阑珊,我身项背. 遗零殆尽,挥毫之下,厌恶的禁忌,鸣沧海: 峥嵘骸骨,