谈钞票伤感情 谈感情又伤钞票又伤感情

顶楼的马戏团 野路子歌词

10/07 00:26
阿拉侪是野路子 we are all amateurs 弹弹几只和弦就混混腔势 play some chords and goof around 从来也勿懂啥个乐理 we don't know any music theory 学琴也没去过音乐学院 nor have been to the music college 随便弹弹 随便唱唱 we play and sing as we like 看上去也蛮像模像样 somehow it works quite well 全中国个音乐节也好上上 na

顶楼的马戏团 上海歌词

09/30 06:17
打开窗 open the window 遥望蓝天 watch the sky 阳光明媚 the sun is shining brightly 万里无云 no cloud in the sky 深呼吸 take a deep breath 清新个空气 the air is so fresh 伸直懒腰 stretch myself 满心欢喜 with full delight 上海 呒没介好个天气 Such good weather won't appear in Shanghai 送脱秋老虎 t

顶楼的马戏团 我勿来火车站 就来去往火车站个路浪歌词

09/28 12:16
有一个男人 there is a man 蹲勒路旁边 squatting at the side of the road 摊开副象棋 a set of Chinese chess in front of him 等我输拨伊 waiting for me to lose 有一个女人 there is a woman 表情老神秘 with a mysterious look 问声小兄弟 she calls me little brother 阿要顶级片 asking if I want a porn

顶楼的马戏团 义务为豪大大鸡排所作个广告歌歌词

09/28 03:34
豪大大鸡排 好大个大鸡排 豪大大鸡排 又香又嫩人人夸 一口咬下去 汁水滴滴嗒 味道赞得唻 让侬魂也呒没 豪大大鸡排 豪大大鸡排 好大个大鸡排 豪大大鸡排 又香又嫩人人夸 一口咬下去 汁水滴滴嗒 味道赞得唻 让侬魂也呒没 豪大大鸡排 豪大大鸡排 好大个大鸡排 豪大大鸡排 又香又嫩人人夸 一口咬下去 汁水滴滴嗒 味道赞得唻 让侬魂也呒没 豪大大鸡排 豪大大鸡排 好大个大鸡排 豪大大鸡排 又香又嫩人人夸 一口咬下去 汁水滴滴嗒 味道赞得唻 让侬魂也呒没 豪大大鸡排 豪大大鸡排 好大个大鸡排 豪大大鸡排

顶楼的马戏团 谈钞票伤感情 谈感情又伤钞票又伤感情歌词

09/28 01:32
我一见钟情 侬心有灵犀 I love you, you love me 阿拉两家头还要谈钞票搿多伤感情 why should we talk about money 侬敲脱我电脑 我掼脱侬手机 I throw your cellphone, you smash my pc 谈感情又伤钞票又伤感情 a relationship ruins itself and money 感情真是一样怪胎个东西 love is really a weird thing 大便竟然会有人当成是黄金 others se