Chemical Invasion

Tankard Tantrum歌词

12/15 03:08
I came to party with a thirst of for beer A wanna drink, so give me one to me My body ashes and I need one now I'm gonna get drunk and beer is the key It set my brew down for one second Went to the toket - I had to peek When I came back it wasn't ver

Tankard Don't Panic歌词

12/10 00:16
Do you care for the world we live in? Are you aware? Death! Kill! War's running rampant Kill! Die! Your children are dead But there's a cause - That's what they tell us So they lie Off to war - Inflicting terror Millions die! Let they say: Nothing's

Various Artists Chemical Invasion歌词

12/02 13:09
STOP THE CHEMICAL INVASION German beer's among the finest The beer is pure and chemical free A standard set which we are proud of A standard met by no other land Purity laws and chemical free No body pollution - no change! Preservatives shall soon be