At night I crawl And sometimes fall Will this thick skin Absorb your sins? Egyptians trade Feel numb for days Not even warm St Christopher's gaze Margarita says Drink when you're dead In the same boat Our half don't float Phone call From Puerto Rico
Is Tropical Crawl歌词
Chris Brown Crawl歌词
Chris Brown - Crawl ☆taTu @369 QQ:417288035 Everybody sees it s you I m the one lost of you Everybody says we re through I hope you hadn t said it too So where Do we go from here With all this fear in our eyes And where Can love take us now We ve bee
古川本舗 CRAWL 歌词
僕(ぼく)らのせいなら 若是就於我們的錯 それでもういいんだ 這樣也已不錯了吧 願(ねが)いは叶(かな)って 全(すべ)てを無(な)くした 實現了願望 失去了所有 面影(おもかげ)一粒(ひとつぶ)心(こころ)が騒(さわ)いだ 一點面影 令心隱隱騷攘 秘密(ひみつ)をあげます. 秘密流露而出. 暗(くら)くなるけれど. 即便轉為黯然. 通(とお)りを抜(ぬ)ける風(かぜ)に触(ふ)れたときに. 沉浸於通透輕風的同時. 夕方(ゆうがた)が落下(らっか)した. 夕陽落了下. それは.遠(とお)い昔(む
8mm Crawl歌词
Standing near the window looking out with both hands on the phone thats pressed to my ear I lay my forehead against the glass And its cold against my skin The phone rings in my ear again and a machine you comes on and tells me to leave a message and
Marion Raven Crawl歌词
High on a hill Heard a bird sing her song Sang you were true Well, she got it all wrong She didn't know about you're Lies And all you're stupid alibis Don't you know, this bird got wise Surprise surprise surprise The writings one the wall Yeah yeah I
「CRAWL」 作詞.作曲:長沼秀典 編曲.歌:VELTPUNCH 地(ち)を這(は)うように進(すす)んでは 平凡(へいぼん)な上昇(じょうしょう)繰(く)り返(かえ)す 刻(きざ)まれた運命(うんめい)だって ただ深呼吸(しんこきゅう) 足(た)りないのは分(わ)かっていた 轟音(ごうおん)に潰(つぶ)されそうな日々(ひび) 針(はり)のような雨(あめ)も止(や)んで君(きみ)が来(き)た Sha la la I sing for you Sha la la 色褪(いろあ)せた永遠(えいえん
Mandi Perkins Crawl 歌词
I'm tired of waking up In someone else's skin I'm wired and all strung out Just waiting to begin Know that I tried so hard To find a way To find a way This time But it takes so damned long When you want When you want It to be right He said: Chorus: Y