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07/31 06:46
曾几何时说过的梦想 在过去的日子 像是被遗忘了一样放在一旁 即使没有化成言语 只踏出脚步 想再次把梦想找回 虽是兜里远路 总算可以下了决心 还想说浪漫的话 还想谈一场真实的恋爱 所以现在不是止步踌躇的时候 想要做的事想要看的事还有像山一样多 来吧 从这里开始吧 Don't wait 把一切借口都抛开 Go on 带着真正的勇气 把迷茫与泪水 对 把眼泪全都抛于脑后 重整旗鼓再度出发 曾几何时想象过的梦 在等待的时候 也不可思议地闪着光芒 即使没有说出口 只在自己心里 也觉得己经找到什么 既知道不

David Lindgren Shout it Out (Acoustic Version)歌词

07/29 07:09
Wanna show you we can do this better There's no way we're giving up Wanna show you there is no surrender There's no way we're gonna stop We've been living far too long Through the barrel of a gun Now it's time to spread the love And our hearts will b

David Lindgren Shout it Out歌词

07/29 06:01
Wanna show you we can do this better There's no way we're giving up Wanna show you there is no surrender There's no way we're gonna stop We've been living far too long Through the barrel of a gun Now it's time to spread the love And our hearts will b