Heartbreak Station

Cinderella Heartbreak Station歌词

08/24 05:08
Waiting at the station 等候在这车站 Tears filling up my eyes 泪水涌上了我的双眼 Sometimes the pain you hide 此刻那掩饰的痛苦 Burns like a fire inside 在胸中如烈火般灼烧 Look out my window 窗外飞驰的风景 Sometimes it's hard to see 刹那间变得模糊不清 The things you want in life 那些你渴求的事物 Come and go

Cinderella One for Rock and Roll歌词

08/08 08:16
I was born on the dawn of a new society 我诞生於新社会缘起的世代 And I feel lucky that my eyes could see 我何其幸运有双能见之眼 People standing up and being 人们起身而行 Who they want to be 从事他们乐於之事 People made the music 人人创作著音乐 And the music made them free 音乐使他们自在 Now I was jus

Cinderella Love Gone Bad歌词

08/07 06:55
If I hear you stalkin' 若听见你缓步走向我 Looking for sympathy 找寻关爱 You just keep on walkin' 你却只冷漠持续行走 Actin' like you don't know me 好似我俩从未认识 Ain't nothin' new for you 你不再感到新鲜 Honey what you put me through 亲爱的 瞧你把我带到这般境地 Seven years ago today 如果还是七年前的此时 There

Cinderella Make Your Own Way歌词

08/06 05:21
Born and raised in a one dog town 自小生长於一座狗镇 That never took a chance or a dare 未曾有机会尝试冒险 The times kept a changin' 岁月持续变迁 But it all passed 'em by 机会稍纵即逝 The prejudices in the air 龙蛇混杂的环境氛围中 Drove me to c0caine eyes 古柯碱缠附我满眼 By the age of 15 那年才值15岁

Cinderella Electric Love歌词

08/04 22:28
When I was down 每当我沮丧时刻 An angel came to me 总有一位天使走向我 And she touched me inside 她触摸著我的内心世界 That woman set me free 那女子令我全然释放 Turned on the light 开启灯火 So I could see 让我能看见 That there was fire inside 有股火焰在心中燃烧 And I could feel the heat 我能感受到那股热情 She's g

Cinderella Dead Man's Road歌词

07/31 04:13
When I was young 犹记儿时 Old man sat me on his knee 老人抱著我膝下承欢 He told me if I had a dream 教诲著我如怀抱梦想 I could be what I wanna be 便可无所不能 Now life goes on 如今生命流逝著 A voice echoes in the wind 时常有种声音在风中回荡 It's telling me to carry on 指引我要持续坚持 Now I know that it

Cinderella Love's Got Me Doin' Time歌词

07/30 10:19
Have mercy on a poor boy's heart 请施舍怜悯给一个可怜男孩的心灵 Cause I got the key that can 我可是手上握著 Make your motor start 能驶动你车子的钥匙 Can't you love me 你难道就不能好好爱我 Without messing me around 不要作弄我 You took everything I got 你已夺走我的一切 Then kick me when I'm down 还在我黯然时补我一

Cinderella The More Things Change歌词

07/29 06:39
Woke up this morning on the wrong side of bed 今早醒来 头倒躺在床尾 I got this feeling like a train's running through my head 突然有种感觉 像一列火车飞驶过脑海 Turned on my radio to the same old song 转开电台 听著相同的老歌 Some big mouth talking trying to tell 一些大嘴巴 滔滔诉说 Us where the w

Cinderella Winds of Change歌词

07/29 06:39
I look into the mirror 揽镜自照 Can almost count the years 细数这些年 The memories are clearer 对於那些我所恐惧的 Of all those things I feared 记忆始终清晰 I watch the time pass slowly 坐视时光慢慢流逝 It comes and goes like the waves 好似浪潮起落 The sea can touch the sky at night 夜晚海面连