Man of la Mancha (I

Colm Wilkinson Man of la Mancha (I, Don Quixote)歌词

08/08 11:46
CERVANTES I shall impersonate a man. His name... Alonso Quijana... a country squire, no longer young. Being retired, he has much time for books. He studies them from morn to night and often through the night again. And all he reads oppresses him... F

Linda Eder Man of la Mancha (I, Don Quixote)歌词

08/01 14:39
Hear me now oh thou bleak and unbearable world Thou art base and debauched as can be And a knight with his banner all bravely unfurled Now hurls down his gauntlet to thee! I am I, Don Quixote, the Lord of La Mancha Destroyer of Evil am I, I will marc