You push me, I don't have the strength to Resist or control you So take me down, take me down You hurt me, But do I deserve this You make me so nervous Calm me down, calm me down Wake you up in the middle of the night to say, I will never walk away a
Michael Henry & Justin Robinett
Michael Henry &; Justin Robinett Never Gonna Leave This Bed歌词
Michael Henry &; Justin Robinett If I Die Young歌词
If I die young bury me in satin Lay me down on a bed of roses Sink me in the river at dawn Send me away with the words of a love song Lord make me a rainbow, I'll shine down on my mother She'll know I'm safe with you when she stands under my colors,
Michael Henry &; Justin Robinett Hallelujah歌词
I've heard there was a secret chord that david played and it pleased the lord but you don't really care for music, do you it goes like this the fourth, the fifth the minor fall and the major lift the baffled king composing hallelujah hallelujah... yo
Michael Henry &; Justin Robinett Grenade歌词
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