No Need to Argue

The Cranberries The Icicle Melts歌词

12/25 03:43
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The Cranberries (They Long to Be) Close to You歌词

12/22 15:15
Why do birds suddenly appear 为什么鸟儿忽然出现了 Every time you are near 每一次当你靠近的时候 Just like me, they long to be 就像我一样,它们一直盼望着 Close to you 能够靠近你 Why do stars fall down from the sky 为什么星星从天空掉落下来 Every time you walk by 每一次当你走过的时候 Just like me, they long to be

The Cranberries Dreaming My Dreams歌词

12/22 14:53
"Dreaming My Dreams" All the things you said to me today, Change my perspective in every way. These things count to mean so much to me, Into my faith, you and your baby. It's out there. It's out there. It's out there. If you want me I'll be here

The Cranberries Twenty-One歌词

12/05 00:21
I don't think it's going to happen anymore You took my thoughts from me now I want nothing more And did you think you could just take it all away I don't think it's happening This is what I say Leave me alone Cause I found it all Twenty One So I don'

The Cranberries No Need to Argue歌词

12/03 00:28
There' s no need to argue anymore There' s no need to argue anymore I gave all I could but it left me so sore And the thing that makes me mad Is the one thing that I had I knew, I knew, I' d loose you You' ll always be special to me Special to me, to

The Cranberries Empty歌词

11/29 11:14
something has left my life and i dont know where it went to somebody caused me strife and its not what i was seeking didnt you see me, didnt you hear me? didnt you see me standing there why did you turn out the lights? did you know that i was sleepin