Ar Thoraigh na dtonn táim ag triall anonn Thar farraige thorannach gharbh rí-dhoimhin Tá na faoileáin ag glaoch, "Fáilte romhatsa ar ais" Agus léimeann an bád le teann áthais fúm Mar sin canaigí a ard-fhaoileáin sa spéir Agus léim leat a bháid g
Silver Sea
Méav The Waves of Tory歌词
Méav Full Fathom Five歌词
Full fathom five thy father lies Of his bones are coral made Those are pearls that were his eyes Full fathom five thy father lies Of his bones are coral made Those are pearls that were his eyes Nothing of him that doth fade But doth suffer a sea-chan
Méav Youkali Tango歌词
C'est presqu'au bout du monde (It was almost to the end of the world) Ma barque vagabonde (That my wandering boat) Errant au gré de l'onde (Straying at the will of the waves) M'y conduisit un jour (Led me one day) L'île est toute petite (The isle is
Méav The Dark-Haired Girl歌词
Dheannain sùgradh ris a nighean duibh (I played with the young dark-haired girl) N' deidh dhomh eirigh as a 'mhadainn (When I woke in the morning) Dheannain sùgradh ris a nighean duibh (I played with the young dark-haired girl) Dheannain sùgradh ris
Méav You Brought Me Up歌词
You brought me up and out of the water You brought me up to forget I had ever been, I could ever breathe In the water under your heart I darkened your door and your days, you said You couldn't sleep the night With the sound of the sea hard on my heel
Méav Newry Boat Song歌词
Gur h-e mo ghille dubh-dhonn (He is my dark brown lad) Gur tù mo chuilean runach (You are my beloved darling) Gur h-e mo ghille dubh-dhonn (He is my dark brown lad) San a'raoir nach d'fhuair mi'n cadal (It was last night I couldn't sleep) Bha mì fad
Méav A Maid in Bedlam歌词
Abroad as I was walking one evening in the spring I heard a maid in Bedlam who mournfully did sing Her chains she rattled on her hands, and thus replied she "I love my love because I know my love loves me Oh cruel were his parents who sent my love to