Sing You Sinners

Rosemary Clooney Sing You Sinners歌词

10/11 10:52
{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\cocoartf1138\cocoasubrtf510 {\fonttbl\f0\fswiss\fcharset0 ArialMT;} {\colortbl;\red255\green255\blue255;} \margl1440\margr1440\vieww10800\viewh8400\viewkind0 \deftab720 \pard\pardeftab720 \f0\fs28 \cf0 Brothers, sisters\ Liste

Erin McKeown Coucou歌词

10/02 01:37
Coucou, les rosiers fleurissent Coucou, les rameaux verdissent Coucou, voici le printemps Coucou, le beau soleil brille Coucou, et les yeux des filles Coucou en font tout autant Que faites-vous, que faites-vous Encore a sommeiller Eveillez-vous, evei

Erin McKeown They Say It's Spring歌词

09/29 23:39
When I was young, I lived in a world of dreams Of moods and myths and illusionary schemes Though now I'm much more grown up I fear that I must own up To the fact that I'm in doubt of What the modern cynics shout of They say it's spring, this feeling