Swing Around Rosie

Rosemary Clooney Sing You Sinners歌词

12/14 10:19
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Rosemary Clooney Moonlight Mississippi (A Whistle Stop Town)歌词

12/12 02:38
Moonlight Mississippi (A Whistle Stop Town) - Rosemary Clooney Moonlight, Mississippi is a whistle-stop town They take in the sidewalks when the sun goes down It's slow as molasses that drips from a can But Moonlight, Mississippi is the promised land

Rosemary Clooney Too Close for Comfort歌词

12/11 06:58
Those eyes that smile My type, my style Be wise, be smart Behave, my heart Don't upset your cart When he's so close Be soft, be sweet But be discreet Don't go off your feet He's so close for comfort Too close, too close for comfort Please, not again

Rosemary Clooney You Took Advantage of Me歌词

12/09 02:52
I'm a sentimental sap, that's all What's the use of trying not to fall? I have no will, you've made your kill 'Cause you took advantage of me! I'm just like an apple on a bough And you're gonna shake me down somehow So, what's the use, you've cooked

Rosemary Clooney Blue Moon歌词

12/08 21:16
Blue moon, you saw me standing alone without a dream in my heart without a love on my own. Blue moon, you knew just what I was there for you heard me saying a prayer for someone I realy could care for. And then there suddenly appeared before me, the

Rosemary Clooney Do Nothin' Till You Hear from Me歌词

12/02 12:00
Do nothing till you hear from me Pay no attention to what's said Why people tear the seams Of other one's dreams, is over my head Do nothing till you hear from me At least consider our romance If you should take the word Of others you've heard, I hav