
Tool Vicarious歌词

08/05 09:36
Eye on the TV 眼看着电视 'cause tragedy thrills me 因为惨剧让我毛骨悚然 Whatever flavor it happens to be like 不管是什么口味,这些正巧是: "Killed by the husband" ... 被丈夫谋杀 "Drowned by the ocean" ... 被海水淹没 "Shot by his own son" ... 被自己的儿子枪杀 "She use

Tool Intolerance歌词

08/04 22:14
I don't want to be hostile. I don't want to be dismal. But I don't want to rot in an apathetic existence either. See I want to believe you, And I want to trust And I want to have faith to put away the dagger. But you lie, cheat, and steal. And yet I

Tool Sober歌词

07/30 14:16
There's a shadow just behind me 我的背后有个影子 Shrouding every step I take 笼罩着我的未来 Making every promise empty 使我的所有承诺落空 Pointing every finger at me 让我成为万夫所指 (过去的错误无法摆脱,就算他改变了,那影子依然作祟) Waiting like the stalking butler 像一个管家站立一旁 Whom upon the finger rests 那手

Tool Schism歌词

07/29 15:59
Schism I know the pieces fit cuz i watched them fall away 我知道这些碎片原本天衣无缝因为是我看着它们剥落的 Mildewed and smoldering, fundamental differing, 发霉发酵,基础背离了 Pure intention juxtaposed will set two lovers souls in motion 纯净的意图会把两个爱人的灵魂驱动 Disintegrating as it goes tes