[ti:Mercy] [ar:Casting Crowns] [al:Until The Whole World Hears] [00:00.00]Casting Crowns - Mercy [00:08.00] [00:12.76]Here I am a sinner [00:15.72]Broken and in need of You [00:18.88]Take my life and wash my fears away [00:25.14]For You are the Great
Until the Whole World Hears
Casting Crowns Mercy歌词
Casting Crowns To Know You歌词
[ti:To Know You] [ar:Casting Crowns] [al:Until The Whole World Hears] [00:00.00]Casting Crowns - To Know You [00:00.60] [00:00.94]To know You is to never worry for my life [00:06.94]To know You is to never give into compromise and [00:13.28]To know Y
Casting Crowns If We've Ever Needed You歌词
[ti:If We've Ever Needed You] [ar:Casting Crowns] [al:Until The Whole World Hears] [00:00.00]Casting Crowns - If We've Ever Needed You [00:09.00] [00:13.59]Here I cry, Lord, we pray [00:19.31]Our faces down, our hands are raised [00:25.19]You called
Casting Crowns Holy One歌词
[ti:Holy One] [ar:Casting Crowns] [al:Until The Whole World Hears] [00:00.00]Casting Crowns - Holy One [00:05.00] [00:07.23]God, You are my God [00:09.72]Earnestly I seek You, oh my soul [00:13.08]I thirst for You [00:14.11]My body aches in a dry and
Casting Crowns Glorious Day (Living He Loved Me)歌词
One day when Heaven was filled with His praises One day when sin was as black as could be Jesus came forth to be born of a Virgin Dwelt among men, my example is He Word became flesh the the light shined among us His glory revealed Living He loved me,
Casting Crowns Until the Whole World Hears歌词
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